Beautiful pics of Tatu Baby and Astrid Berges Frisbey feet & legs

Katherine Kat Flores has been tattooing professionally for over a decade. Her nickname is Tatu baby. Her birthplace was in Colombia in the USA on October 28 1987. Learn more about Tatu the Networth her relationship height weight and complete bio. She's an American tattooist and television personality. Ink Master, a reality show on television that showcases tattoo artists competing in competitions was the show that she first participated in. Ink Master 2 saw her place at fourth. Tatu participated in Ink Master's third season Ink Master and came in third place at the end. Cartel Crew was a reality show focusing on people who have connections with drug cartels. Tatu baby is one of the most popular American tattoo artist has tattooed professionally since the age of 19. Tatu baby was awarded the Best Of Day award was given to her at the competition to design tattoos. Tatu's tattoos for babies are popular for their authentic personalized gray and black style. Tatu understands that the body can be a wonderful canvas upon which one can express themselves. Tatu was able to make it to the fourth place on The Ink Master's Season 2 Tattoo competition before getting removed. Tatu started tattooing as a child at 14. At the same time she also got her first tattoos. By 19she had become an experienced tattoo artist full-time. Tatu Baby, also known as. Katherine Kat Flores was born on the 28th of October 1987 in Colombia but raised in Miami Florida. Her parents were Colombian parents. Born to Colombian parents. As she was four years old when she was four, a rival gang murdered her father. Her mother decided to leave the drug trade after her father's death. Tatu and her mother relocated with her mother to Miami Florida. Tatu started her schooling in Miami. The college courses she was enrolled in were cut short by her decision to drop out. Her first tattoos were at age of 14 and became professionally tattooed by the age of the age of 19. Tatu baby has an older brother, named Kenneth Roman.

Astrid is an Spanish actor from Spain. At the age of 12, she began performing in the theatre in order to satisfy her curiosity. Due to her environment in rural areas her family was not interested in acting as a professional. Astrid's personal features were crucial in getting her the roles she later got. Her birthmark was two-toned eyes (as the result of the phenomenon of sectoral heterochromia). The soft bone structure of her bones and foreign accent made her the natural choice for the part of Sofi in the movie I Origins (2014). The elegant actress says "I begin from scratch each time and never repeating my mistakes." That, she claims, makes her concerned at times but can make her very happy feeling that she's getting better on each film. Astrid gives a lot of importance to the details of her character. She is attentive to the way her character walks how she speaks, behaves and moves. Astrid is very friendly and speaks fluently in Catalan and also Spanish, Italian French and English.

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